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10-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Management Changes (EN)-PDF
10-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Management Changes (EN)-DOCX
10-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_CARE Mitarbeiter laufen für guten Zweck_EN-DOCX
10-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_CARE Mitarbeiter laufen für guten Zweck_EN-PDF
07-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Press Release_Half Year Figures (EN)-DOCX
07-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Press Release_Half Year Figures (EN)-PDF
06-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Presseinformation_Enterprise Mobility Solutions (EN)-DOCX
06-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Presseinformation_Enterprise Mobility Solutions (EN)-PDF
03-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_CARE-Trikotaktion (EN)-DOCX
03-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_CARE-Trikotaktion (EN)-PDF
02-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Annual Results 2015_EN-DOCX
02-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Annual Results 2015_EN-PDF
06-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressinformation CARE Initiative Cycling for Kids _EN-DOCX
06-2016_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressinformation CARE Initiative Cycling for Kids _EN-PDF
12-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressinfomation Clinic Home Interface_EN-PDF
12-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressinfomation Clinic Home Interface_EN-DOCX
09-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressinformation_TowerStars DEL2-Season Opening-DOCX
09-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressinformation_TowerStars DEL2-Season Opening-PDF
08-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_White Paper on healthcare capital expenditures (EN)-DOCX
08-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_White Paper on healthcare capital expenditures (EN)-PDF
07-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressinformation SoccerCup_2015 und CARE_EN-DOCX
07-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressinformation SoccerCup_2015 und CARE_EN-PDF
05-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Interview eraSURE® Alfred Korbmacher_EN-PDF
04-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Interview EBS with Roman Breil (EN)-PDF
04-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Interview EBS with Roman Breil (EN)-DOCX
04-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Press Release EBS (EN)-PDF
04-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Press Release EBS (EN)DOCX
04-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressemitteilung Q1 Ergebnisse (EN)-PDF
04-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Pressemitteilung Q1 Ergebnisse (EN)-DOCX
04-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Presseinfomation Erweiterungsbau Weingarten (EN)-PDF
04-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Presseinfomation Erweiterungsbau Weingarten (EN)-DOCX
02-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Presseinfomation JPK 2015 (EN)-PDF
02-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Presseinfomation JPK 2015 (EN)-DOCX
01-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Presseinformation_Neue Management Struktur Mexiko_EN-DOCX
01-2015_CHG-MERIDIAN_Presseinformation_Neue Management Struktur Mexiko_EN-PDF
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11 jun. 2021 – Weingarten
• CHG-MERIDIAN añade a TESMA® un portal de autoservicio para los empleados de sus clientes • El alto nivel de automatización alivia la carga de trabajo a IT y a Compras • Los procesos rápidos y sin complicaciones aumentan la satisfacción del personal
go to article3 feb. 2021 – Weingarten
• carbonZER0 estará disponible para clientes de 27 países • Una opción de arrendamiento ecológica para inversiones neutras en carbono en infraestructura TI • Los pagos de compensaciones por las emisiones de CO2 se desti-nan a proyectos certificados de protección del clima
go to article23 abr. 2020 – Weingarten
• Nuevos contratos de arrendamiento: incremento del 32 % respecto del ejercicio anterior hasta alcanzar 2.000 millones de euros • Economía circular: casi 700.000 dispositivos informáticos renovados para tener una segunda vida • Pandemia del coronavirus: un reto y una oportunidad
go to article9 abr. 2019 – Weingarten
• Crecimiento: la formalización de contratos de arrendamiento aumenta un 22 % en base interanual • Internacionalización: exitosa adquisición de equigroup, una firma tecnológica australiana, en 2018 • Economía circular: incremento continuado en el número de reacondicionamientos y borrados de datos en equipos para el mercado secundario
go to article27 oct. 2017 – Weingarten
• Crecimiento: incremento en la rentabilidad y la obtención de contratos de arrendamiento • Continuidad: la recomercialización de la tendencia al alza continúa • Potencial: Las Soluciones de movilidad empresarial ofrecen excelentes perspectivas y obtienen un premio
go to article21 jul. 2017 – Weingarten
• Fuerte: Crecimiento amplio y dinámico en Alemania y en los mercados internacionales • Favorable: Tendencias positivas en el volumen de los arrendamientos obtenidos para la atención médica y las tecnologías industriales • Inteligente Ampliación de la gama de servicios para los sistemas de impresión al final de su vida útil
go to article28 abr. 2017 – Weingarten
• Successful: volume of leases originated rises by 13 percent year on year; above-average growth in Germany • Robust: international business continues to perform well • Buoyant: high demand for data erasure and mobility solutions
go to article12 abr. 2017 – Weingarten
• Versatile: New website highlights the broad range of services offered by CHG-MERIDIAN. • Simplified: Users can find relevant content and the right person to contact even more quicker.
go to article10 feb. 2017 – Weingarten
Sustained organic growth at a high level shows that the strategy is working Excellent progress in the delivery of the service strategy, record result for certified data erasure Two new sites in Germany bring the Company closer to its customers and create further potential for growth
go to article16 nov. 2016 – Weingarten
CHG-MERIDIAN is supporting the D21 study as a partner for the first time The digital skills of the German population are improving – but too slowly Three out of four Germans prefer to learn how to use smartphones and similar devices by themselves in their spare time The onus is on companies: Tax-exempt incentive programs also provide employees with access for personal use
go to article16 nov. 2016 – Weingarten
Steadfast: Mossakowski to join the new Supervisory Board, Dr. Wagner to become the new Chairman of the Board of Management Strong: Sales activities to be brought together in one remit Structured: Separate Board of Management remit for IT and Services
go to article31 oct. 2016 – Gross-Gerau
Carrying the baton: marathon route completed by six relay teams Collective effort: €2,531.70 raised for the Gross-Gerau sports association for disabled people Cooperation: CHG-MERIDIAN has employed people with disabilities at its Gross-Gerau site since 2007
go to article22 jul. 2016 – Weingarten
Momentum: Strong growth impetus in western and southern Europe Solidity: Gross profit stabilizes at a high level Innovation: New enterprise mobility solution opens up potential
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